DIGME One PagersCommunicating About Disability Inclusion in GMEIn this One Pager, learn tips and best practices for communicating about disability inclusion in GME. This sample language will help...
DIGME One PagersStarting an Affinity GroupReview best practices and tips for Starting an Affinity Group for for Trainees with Chronic Health Conditions and/or Disabilities in this...
DIGME One PagersRequesting Disability Accommodations in GMEHeaded to residency or fellowship? Need to request accommodations to support your success (Disability Disclosure)? As a resident and an...
DIGME One PagersHow to Welcome Residents who Disclose Disability in GMENearly 6% of medical students have a disability and 100% receive accommodations in medical school.
DIGMENavigating a Disability in Residency or FellowshipDo you have questions about disclosing a disability and requesting accommodations for your residency or fellowship? Are you wondering...