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Join the Disability Hub

Deadline Coming Up April 7th 2024!

Please complete the survey before the end of this week.


We are thrilled to share the exciting news that the DWDI, in partnership with the ACGME, has received the Macy Catalyst Award for their project, Multimedia Resource Hub for Disability Inclusion in Graduate Medical Education. 


This video featuring Dr. Lisa Meeks and Dr. Justin Bullock, co-directors of the Docs with Disabilities Initiative (DWDI) outlines the project and defines opportunities to get involved. 


Our organizations are passionate about changing the culture around disability inclusion in graduate medical education, and we invite you, members of the GME community, to join us in this important effort. 


The Disability Resource Hub will include:

I.                     Current resources

II.                   Two new toolkits 

UME to GME Transition Toolkit

o    This committee will create a UME to GME transition-focused toolkit that addresses the needs of all stakeholders (e.g., learners, programs, designated institutional officials and program directors). We are looking for people to join the committee including:

o    1 UME learner

o    1 UME career/student affairs dean

o    1 resident/fellow

o    1 program director 


Disability Policy Toolkit

o    This committee will create a recommended practices toolkit, which will include an overview of the elements necessary for solid institutional policy and will provide several examples to assist programs and institutions with building disability inclusive policies. We are currently staffing a policy committee that will consist of:

o    Leaders (designated institutional officials, GME deans, or similar) who wish to have their institutions serve as example institutions in the policy toolkit. 

  • Institutions that sign on will have representation on the committee that creates the policy toolkit. Institutions must commit to implementing the recommended policies.


III.       Eight Real Life Case Studies 

We are seeking eight teams across the US to write up actual GME- case studies (what you did with the learner) that highlight the successful inclusion of learners with a disability-these are REAL cases involving the learner with the disability and the teams who worked to create access. 

·         Teams will be supported by editors and production teams. 

·         Teams must include and center the actual learner (this can be someone who completed residency already) with a disability as an author.

·         Cases can include up to 6 other individuals who participated in supporting disability access. 

·         More information will be sent to interested groups.


More information is available in this video:


If you are interested in getting involved please complete this survey: 


You can reach out to Dr. Lisa Meeks at with any clarifying questions!



Thank you for your support and for helping us make a difference in the GME community.



Warm Regards,


Lisa M. Meeks, PhD, MA 

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